Hong Kong’s 10th National Photographic Art Exhibition Series Activity plea in Wuning

On September 6, 2020 (Toronto time) the 10th National Photographic Art Exhibition of Hong Kong’s award ceremony occurred in Wuning, China. The president of Chi Huang and Jury, who was invited by Hua Zi, the Director of the organizing committee, submitted the awards to the winners. Mr. Dennis Pan Yezhi is the Vice-Chairman and Mr. Jiao Bo was known as the “distinguished and talented guy in the photography”, the famous Brazilian photographer Mr. Wang Weidong, Mr. Lu Zhongqiu, Mr. Zhu Hanju, joined our scene. More than 350 photographers including the political leaders of Jiangxi Province, Jiangxi’s Photographers Association and attended the award ceremony. The exhibition has received over 140,000 photos which were taken by more than 6,000 photographers. More exceeding 1,200 pictures achieved the awards. Mr. Zhang Xiangli, a native photographer in Wuning, won the highest honor. A total of 220 excellent works are exhibiting at the exhibition.
